I've been tagged to share my top 25 favorite thing...so here goes:
1) Friends and Family- This doesn't require an explanation, but I'll give one anyway. These are the people that keep me going. They are my unfailing support and I love them for it.
2) My church- I L-O-V-E my church and the Gospel.
3) Nike Tempo Running Shorts- The best shorts I have ever owned.
4) Leggings- Class is just so much better when you wear an oversized t-shirt and leggings.
5) My monogram ring- It is so classic and fabulous.
6) Bottled Water- I know it's so bad for the environment, but I am a serious water snob.
7)Clinique Makeup- It's not cheap, but it's so worth it.
8) Skinny Jeans- They make so many body shapes look great. They are great for going out!
9) My hope chest- my Grandpa made this for me when I graduated from highschool/turned eighteen, I have been working to fill it ever since then.
10) McCarty pottery- This is made with real Mississippi Mud and every piece is original. Every girl in my hometown registers for this when she gets married. I already have my color picked out and a few pieces even though I'm definitely not getting married anytime soon.
11) Mexican Food- we have some seriously amazing Mexican restaurant in my college town. My friends and I keep them in business.
12) Hanes Classics ComfortSoft V-Neck Undershirts- these are men's shirts, but they are so comfy and they work on so many levels. Wear them alone for class, dress it up with a scarf or sweater for going out, the possibilities are endless.
13) My Sperry Topsiders- I have two pairs, a pair of mules that are a little dressier than the regular Bluefish, and a pair of Shearling Bluefish (they are warmer than Uggs!)
14) My University- we are definitely overcoming our Mississippi stereotype. It is definitely becoming very well known and respected. I love the history and the tradition that we have.
15) Polo Dresses- It doesn't matter what brand it is, these are so comfy. You can dress them up or down and they look fabulous!
16) Oversized men's polos- I wear my brother's, dad's, and (when I have one) my boyfriend's. I know it's a little "shackerish" but it's a good alternative to sorority t-shirts and Hane's v-necks.
17) Lilly Pulitzer - let's face it, who doesn't love the awesome shifts and dresses Lilly has.
18) Coach - I haven't always loved Coach, but my opinion changed when I went to Chicago in January. While shopping on the Magnificent Mile, we met and befriended to owner of the Coach store on the Mile. We had such a great time and he was such a gentleman, that I will definitely start considering Coach now.
19) Salted Hot Chocolate- this treat from Starbucks is so yummy. I am always sad when it gets warmer because it means goodbye to Salted Hot Chocolate until it cools down.
20) Pearls - these are so classic and preppy. Everyday pearls are my favorite look. I would always choose pearls over diamond, and that is saying a LOT because I love diamonds.
21) Hot Tamales - my favorite candy ever.
22) Baseball- My favorite sport to watch. This is one of my favorite activities of the spring.
23) Crossword Puzzles- I do one everyday. I don't usually finish, but I get pretty far. It is very stress relieving to work on crossword puzzles.
24) My Macbook- her name is Beryl. She is gorgeous and classic. I have to get a new computer next year for pharm school and it is very depressing to me. Beryl is my first love though and I intend to keep her throughout pharmacy school.
25) Wearing dresses in the summer- I certainly try not to dress up in the fall, winter, or spring, but during the summer I am all about looking cute and flirty. A good sundress goes a long way toward this!