Saturday, March 14, 2009

Silly Boys!

So there's this boy (isn't that how it always is?).  I kinda like him, I know he likes me, but we're so different.  I am not even 20 years old yet, he is 28.  I am a silly, vain, and (sometimes) shallow girl.  He was in the US NAVY for 8 long years and is back in school getting a degree.  I am all about my church and my religion, he is anti-organized religion and told me he is almost agnostic (not quite sure how you can be almost agnostic, but whatever).  I don't know what to do.  We are definitely not anything yet, probably not even "talking".  But I think about him, a lot.  We chat on facebook (for HOURS).  What to do.  What to do.  So, here are my questions: 1) is 8 years too much of an age difference when you are 20 and 28?, 2) is he too damaged by his time in the Navy to appreciate my silliness and occasional (who are we kidding, they're everyday) whims?, 3) how can I deal with his agnosticism? I have promised myself I will be married in the Temple.  I don't mind waiting for that, if they man I decide to marry is converted and needs time to be Temple worthy, but I don't want to "flirt to convert" or marry the "Sunday School Project", there is enough of that going on in my ward, and it always ends sadly.

Thanks for the help!

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