Friday, January 16, 2009

New Phone

So I've been having some serious issues with my phone recently and I really want to get an iPhone or a Blackberry.  I just think they would both be so nice to have, but in order to get one of those, I would have to commit to two years of a $30/month data plan.  I don't really feel like, at this point in my life anyway, I need to be throwing away $360 a year just to be able to get on facebook all the time.  So, instead, I bought an LG Shine.  It is red and gorgeous and it has plenty of  storage space on it for ringtones.  YAY! Ringtones are seriously fabulous.  I think that ringtones are something that can definitely personalize a phone.  My ringtones are so eclectic, and I just love them.  Today I got the Pride and Prejudice theme song and it is perfect.  

In other news, I leave for CHICAGO in less than a week.  That is so crazy.  I really feel like I need to start packing right now because I know I don't want to be doing it next week when classes are starting up.  I was watching the Weather Channel last night and yesterday in Chicago, the high was -1 and that was at midnight and the rest of the day it never got above -6.  What will I do?!?!  I seriously might become a little ice cube.  Or maybe a non suicidal Anna Karenina.  I also found out that the Jonathan Adler store is probably too far away from our hotel for us to go, which is way sad. 

That's all for now, just waiting to hear from Kelly that baby Harper has been born.  

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