Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Favorite Shoes

About a month ago, I bought a pair of heels for VP, but once I got home, I decided that I already had heels that would work for VP that I liked better and returned the shoes. I got store credit for those shoes, and just barely used it.

 I got these shoes, in black, to wear with casual outfits and possibly wear when I go out in the winter.  I LOVE these shoes, they are fantastic, and the contrast stitching really adds a little something to otherwise plain black shoes.  I took the smallest sister with me and she told me that I "had to get these because they look like they have pasta on them."   Who am I to argue with that? 

Because the store was having an awesome sale, I also picked up some cute brown flats.  These also had contrast stitching, and they look pretty professional (when you don't take the picture with photobooth on your mac) which is what I need!  They are going to be awesome for running errands in jeans and a button down shirt!  I am so excited to wear these all the time.

For Christmas, I picked myself up these shoes.  I am going to Chicago in the middle of this month, and I don't really want to wear Uggs like everyone else.  I'm hoping that these will be enough to keep me warm.  They are a little big on me, but I am planning on wearing some thick wool socks with them, so the size won't be an issue.  What do you think?  I really love my other Topsiders and these are so comfy (I've been wearing them a lot).  I'm pretty excited to have a pair of "winter" Sperry's because that's not usually the season that you think of Sperry's going with. 

What do y'all think? Will I be warm enough in Chicago?

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