Saturday, March 6, 2010

Busy Busy

So, I've been really bad at this lately! haha! My life has been super crazy this semester already. I've been planning the Regional Conference for my professional fraternity that is being held on our campus at the end of this month. I've been working on this for about a year and a half and it is finally all coming together. Here is my current list of things I've already done and things I still need to do.

* Friday night activities
* Food for Saturday (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
* Banquet Location and Caterers set
* Facilitators
* Name tags designed
* Welcome Bags
* T-shirt ideas given to printers
* Itinerary Finished
* St. Jude presentation set up
* Materials on their way from National Office
* Keynote Speaker
* Officers assigned to ask for sponsorships
* Talked to the SOP about sponsoring us

Still To Do
* Order Lanyards for Nametags
* Finish the Program and take to the printers
* Order final number of t-shirts
* Organize participants into committees/workshops
* Seating arrangements for the Banquet
* Saturday night plans
* Placecards
- Banquet
- Formal Meeting
* Call hotel about Registration

As you can see, there is still a lot to do, but the things that are left to do are more of the little/last minute things, so I'm feeling pretty good about things. I am very lucky to have fabulous officers who are working hard to make sure that this happens and it fabulous!

Til the next time!

Pearls and Peeptoes

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